Is your site lagging behind in latest website designs?

When it comes to designs and websites on the internet, you must have noticed – the ones with the most chic and elegant looks stand out and are the ones that are ranking on the top. Every single search engine expert says that the design has to be good. So, what is this? What is the best design that everyone keeps saying about?

Good Design is not about crystal clear pictures or flashy banners running on the website only. Neither is it about meta data based HTML pages and the right keyword content. It is about the combination of all of this and much more. Its primarily about how effective your design is and if it reflects the business that you represent.

What represents a good design? Is your site based on the following:

A design architecture that supports your business concept.
Images and a background theme/design that justify the content
A design that looks ‘too busy’ and cluttered and needs lot of understanding from a user’s perspective.
Is it easy on the eye
Is your design in trend with the latest practices in market
Is it compatible with HTML 5
An elegant Landing Page

These are some of the factors when you talk about a website design. And if u have designed around these pointers, then you’ve got most of it correct. Missing on these basic points would mean that the visitors will skip quickly to other websites.

It is important to keep the the visitors engaged. If you can grasp their attention and make them stay for more than 20 seconds then there is a good chance that you can convert them to potential business. An average human mind spends less than 10 seconds on a page and tends to go away. So, you need to know if you have a ’20 second’ website – one which convinces a visitor to stay a few seconds longer and explore further.

Get your website reviewed today itself and know what’s wrong and where and what can be fixed. Don’t lag behind in the race for the best design in the market place.